2. Chapter        H O P E !

 This great word - deliberately placed here first - at a time when climate forecasts indicate disaster, and poverty, wars and species extinction have become the concern of many. A hope that has always been our strongest driving force in difficult times and that rises above all fears, worries and suffering. It is still able to do this today and you will encounter it here, dear readers, in all three chapters. This hope shines particularly brightly and at the same time credibly from the second half onwards, where it dispenses with the "crystal ball gazing" of temporal predictions. In chapter 3.0 IS A CHILD-FRIENDLY FUTURE STILL POSSIBLE? a positive affirmation is also given in a meaningful way. Namely, where the inner soul and the supersensible have always met, indeed connected, without further ado.

= = = = = = = = = =


 Whether initiated by all the climate scientists*, the many environmentally active NGOs or by the youth in Fridays4Future - there is certainly no way around the major changes that the constantly increasing global warming is imposing on us. A number of well-known companies and corporations are already changing their production methods, and even some super-rich are calling for higher taxes on their large assets.  


At the same time, however, the highest private incomes and their "private jet travel" have doubled in a very short space of time! However, genuine climate protection will certainly only be successful in a holistic way, which first and foremost includes the particularly poor people in the less developed regions of the world and at the same time implements comprehensive nature conservation plans.  


Because if we and our politicians continue to pay too little attention to the suffering of marginalised fellow human beings, and only marginally to the natural habitats of remaining population densities, we will inevitably fail together as one humanity on this once life-filled and wonder-filled planet.

  * In his book "Good prospects for tomorrow", meteorologist Sven Plöger sheds light on the rather complex topic of climate change in an easy-to-understand and unagitated manner. 



                                WE AND OUR CLIMATE                                              


Far from exaggerated scaremongering in the media, this topic is about the connections between the external and internal human atmosphere. Because both exert a not insignificant influence on our climate processes in a reciprocal manner.

By now, pretty much everyone has realised that humanity needs to make itself "fit for the future" now rather than the day after tomorrow. And, in mutual honest recognition as "one humanity", the power of necessary, intelligent actions can still arise. Because people also follow their specific type of "swarm intelligence" - in good and sometimes also in bad cases. Fortunately, this intelligence is neither merely chaotic nor purely random. As with everything in nature, it pursues a healthy, life-promoting "objective" for the respective species.


So far, it is above all the forces working worldwide to preserve our livelihoods that are making a positive contribution to ensuring that nature, and with it humanity, are still sufficiently far from an imminent end. On the other hand, our ingrained habits - combined with a guilty conscience - paralyse us into actively forming ourselves in order to recognise the business practices of the established money economy as the real climate drivers and to push for change. In addition, some media outlets flood us with do-as-you-will information, which is intended to suggest that things are constantly changing for the better anyway. This kind of lulling to sleep - accompanied by disturbing horror stories every day - tends to create a subliminally effective sense of insecurity instead of the necessary enlightenment.  

 The consequential costs of climate damage     
... are already several times higher than the investments that would be required to phase out fossil fuels. At the same time, however, many times these sums are stashed away as passive capital assets in the "private asset managers" of their investors. Of course, these funds are not available for social issues and the necessary restructuring to mitigate climate change. However, these mega-capitals of the world's handful of super-rich also provide financial cover for all global sovereign debt. Despite this - or precisely because of it - their abundance will continue to increase if financial management remains as it is. Aside from envy debates on all sides, this should not be of great concern to anyone. Nobody? If it weren't for the enormously growing, abject poverty of so many of our fellow human beings on earth! We must not allow our fiscal politicians to remain idle here!    

What does the climate crisis have to do with floods, for example? Quite a lot. On the one hand, there is the "Clausius-Clapeyron law" (CC law). For every degree of warming, around 7 % more water vapour is absorbed. The law shows how much water vapour fits into a cubic metre. The maximum amount of water vapour increases exponentially with temperature. And where there is more water, more can rain down.Another point: the jet stream. The strong wind band around the northern hemisphere at an altitude of around 10 kilometres is losing momentum. The reason for this is the climate crisis. This is because the temperature differences between the equator and the poles are becoming smaller. Scientists have been warning of a slowing jet stream for some time. This is because it favours longer-lasting weather patterns. Instead of the rapid change of high and low pressure areas, a weather pattern simply settles down and one low follows the next. Snow is slow to release its water into the ground, but continuous winter rain? That leads to long-lasting "land and house under water"!     

The unhealthy added value from our monoculture fields in particular, and the resulting lack of vital pollinators, as well as spruce forests at low altitudes (which would actually be the habitat for hardwood forests) are leading to dangerously sinking groundwater levels and drying out soils. Incidentally, a road planted with trees is up to 20° cooler in the summer heat than a road without trees. And, without forests, the beautiful life here would have been over long ago! All in all, of course, it's about everyone involved in CO2 emissions, such as construction and heavy industry, agriculture and many more. After all, all life in "passenger compartment earth" is increasingly suffering the same fate. And the high proportion of particulate matter (in the nano range) that has been produced recently unfortunately overcomes both the human cell walls and the brain barrier! This particulate matter is not only carcinogenic, it also gradually damages our genetic make-up. At the same time, microplastics and other rubbish are already scattered everywhere and down to the depths of the sea!                                                                       

 So each and every one of us is called upon to make conscious and sustainable choices every day. After all, we can change industrial environmental standards for the better - at least in some respects - primarily through our consumer behaviour. Changing our behaviour in this regard will also be good for our health.             

"The main problem with the current global warming is less the absolute temperature than the speed, which makes any form of adaptation very difficult for humans and nature," says Marc Olefs from the Climate Impacts Department of the GeoSphere Institute Austria. In addition, all of this is developing exponentially.

Overall, there is an urgent need for leaner, more decentralised forms of production, trade, energy and economic activity at both national and global levels.

The eminent political thinker Naomi Klein says: "If we make a conscious effort to unite the cultural value of equal rights for all people with the capacity for deep compassion, we can save ourselves as humanity from sinking into barbarism in the rocky future we are already inevitably heading for. And as climate change sets us an immovable deadline, it can act as a catalyst for this profound social and ecological transformation. Ultimately, a culture is always in flux. It can change. This has happened many times in our history." ... "But we can't say: "My crisis is more urgent than yours" - war trumps climate; climate trumps class,gender, ethnicity, etc."

 But the opportunity is alive and well, that a majority narrative born of spontaneous determination, a sense of justice, empathy and responsibility, will achieve a real revolution in the current economic situation in a non-violent turnaround.  I describe a possible trigger for such a global event in chapter 3.0.

  Regarding our outer atmosphere                            
Without an atmosphere, our days on earth would be like those on the moon: on the one hand a frosty, deep black, and on the other a hot, glistening light, without a blue sky. Without the scattered light effect, without the ionosphere as a filter and protection against the harsh cosmic solar radiation as a de facto efficient shield, our earthly life would not have been possible in the first place.

This is the only reason why several kilometres of breathable air extend above us. Recently, however, the heavier CO2*, which before industrialisation had a height of only about 3 metres, has also been released. In the meantime, however, this CO2 has already reached an average ground-covering height of almost 30 metres! The large amount of CO2, mainly caused by industrialised humans, now causes the well-known strong turbulence and extreme weather conditions, which could or had to form under the excessively heated "glass house roof" and the all too abruptly colder air masses above it. 

    *CO2 weighs ~2 kg per cubic metre and methane ~0.7 kg per cubic metre - even the homeopathic proportions of these gases in the air cause their thermal storage - (air weighs ~1.3 kg per cubic metre).

Our traffic also increases toxic CO2 levels on a daily basis. The press spokesperson for the Austrian Transport Club recently posted on LinkedIn: "It remains absurd that we have to move 1 to 2 tonnes of metal to chauffeur an average of 80 kilograms of people around". This refers to the common practice of car utilisation. Unfortunately, it is also clear that not everyone can switch to public transport today. The networks in rural areas are still too sparsely developed for this.   

Just 1 or 2 kilometres driven with the exhaust into the interior of a car will inevitably kill its occupants. Therefore, any speed limit that is introduced is at least a blessing for the whole. Further speed limits would of course be a step towards a generally healthy deceleration. A silent advertisement would therefore be a 100 km/h sticker on your rear window.


Even more dangerous than the blatant social divide is the war-fuelling arms industry, which thrives so successfully through its lobbying strategy of fomenting discord and hatred. It is closely followed by the fossil fuel sector and the nuclear industry, with the unsolvable consequential problems of CO2-laden air and endlessly radiating nuclear waste that they generate.   



O  A cut to generalised debt relief * could be the game changer! This step is necessary to protect labour, trade and mobility from a total trade and financial collapse that could occur at any time. The decision would affect neither the existing hierarchies nor the respective state structures. But it would channel mega sums of otherwise passive capital into environmentally friendly projects. This decision forms the financially necessary prerequisite for fossil-free production, which is already possible today. As a result, it can also bring about clean transport solutions, allow organic food to grow in general and also enable animal suffering-free meat consumption. A generally humane and peaceful "livelihood" will then be possible - embedded in a nature that is as balanced as ever. It is foreseeable that even high finance as a whole will become sociologically too hot and that the necessary financial cut will be inevitable as a result. Hopefully we can still turn this corner!

*  Extrajudicial debt cancellation depends on the goodwill of the creditor. For example, the creditor can cancel the debt if the debtor is insolvent and cannot raise enough money to cover the claim in the foreseeable future (which often happens).

O  For example, Lary Fink* - head of Blackrock and renowned in the financial sector - will take on the role of the historical Greek Solon**. After all, he would be the experienced front man among asset managers, with a reputation for all currencies and excellent connections to a number of major investors. Today, genocide, mass migration, civil wars and severe natural disasters are forcing the global financial and economic system to pivot. Under these circumstances intensification, the decision to "forgive debt" therefore comes from high finance itself - because it also provides the common climatic survival necessary for socially peaceful survival, while at the same time making a new monetary start. As early as 594 BC, the Greek polis of Athens took a comparable solidarity step "with benefits for all". At the outermost edge of its "lucrative wealth", it is therefore "forced" to adopt completely new paradigms. In the hope that I am not miscalculating here.      * possibly also through Bill&Melinda Gates, as individuals, not through their foundation.

O  Only through such a global paradigm shift towards far-reaching "green investments" will the crypto jugglers and arms lobbyists vote in favour of the "New Deal". As in the pandemic, the urgently needed CO2 reductions can also be enforced as "emergency measures" against the current "dirty economy". This is exactly what the entire world population has been expecting from high finance, industry and politics for a long time! May we manage the long-needed turnaround well.

O First and foremost, the emerging countries should have long since experienced the full "cut" of debt cancellation; this is the only way they can deal with their precarious situation themselves and preserve their unconditional sovereignty in fundamental dignity. This is by no means a new communist edition; for the step towards this proposed measure would achieve what was achieved in ancient times every 50 years through the Jewish Year of Jubilee for good (Lev. 25:8-55). May the general legal trend remain democratically in check.

O If our diverse cultures return to their own roots and customs and the local economy within their own local economies within their own regions, global crises can be healed and overcome from the root. Politicians can and must create the conditions for domestic-regional trade in our basic foodstuffs and consumer goods to take legal precedence over all the widely dispersing world trade! Only goods that are otherwise unavailable should be allowed to be imported.   

O State-imposed future-oriented regulations have important functions with regard to labour and commercial law, especially with regard to ethics, freedom and morality. The current turbo-capitalism of international character can and must be prioritised for our domestic economy through state laws! This is the only way we can survive global wage and price dumping without becoming a pawn in the game of strange agreements between dubious powers. This will free our economy and the agricultural farming community from global price pressure. Essential value chains remain - with astonishing resilience - in our own country.     

O Research into a coupled large-area application of PV ThinFilms, back-to-back with graphene-aluminium-ion battery films, seems particularly promising to me! This could possibly enable a fossil-free and therefore greatly CO2-reduced energy future. In mature applications, they would allow the direct storage of solar-harvested energy in an extremely space-saving manner. Wind columns, such as those from Vortex-Bladeless, would also provide a basis for an almost energy self-sufficient society if they were available quickly. As a layman, I don't know whether all these approaches will result in a realisable, fossil-free energy economy, but I hope that good solutions will be found for the future - so that, as always, solutions will come. 

   ** Around 600 BC, trade flourished in Athens. Grain imported from abroad was cheaper than that produced by small local farmers, which impoverished many and led to social unrest. To prevent a bloody civil war, the Athenian population entrusted the aristocratic Solon with the office of arbitrator in 594 BC. The reforms that followed formed the basis of Athenian democracy (rule by the people). The Greek historian Plutarch reported on the social grievances in 100 BC - before Solon's reforms. The entire Greek people were in debt to the rich. Either the agricultural labourers worked the land for the landowners and delivered one-sixth of the proceeds, or - if they had incurred debts by mortgaging their bodies - they were taken away by the creditors and had to serve as slaves. Many were also forced to sell their own children. When Solon had become master of the situation, he liberated the people by forbidding loans to individuals and cancelling debts [...]  /  Source: Plutarch > Solon, Übersetzt v. K. Ziegler* 

Every country has enough to do before its own doors and should not constantly make excuses about "global economic constraints". In particular, the unhealthy value creation from our monoculture fields and, as a result, their lack of vital pollinators, as well as spruce forests at low altitudes, which would actually be the habitat of hardwood forests - bring with them dangerously sinking groundwater and drying out soils. Incidentally, a road planted with trees is up to 20° cooler in the summer heat than a road without trees. Without forests, the beautiful life here would already be over!

Overall, of course, it is about all those involved in CO2 emissions - such as construction and heavy industry, agriculture and many more. After all, all life in the "passenger compartment earth" is increasingly suffering the same fate. And the high proportion of fine dust (in the nano range) that has been produced recently unfortunately overcomes both the human cell walls and the brain barrier! This fine dust is not only carcinogenic, it also gradually damages our genetic make-up. At the same time, microplastics and other rubbish can already be found everywhere, scattered down to the depths of the sea!


"The main problem with the current global warming is less the absolute temperature than the speed, which makes any form of adaptation very difficult for humans and nature," says Marc Olefs from the Climate Impacts Department of GeoSphere Austria.   


 It has always been intrinsic to capitalism that it periodically grows into mass poverty and famine and repeatedly gives birth to new ones out of this destruction. 

Overseas transport, for example, has brought us the problems of biologically invasive takeovers caused by marine animals introduced in ballast water. And our popular long-distance tourism can turn epidemics into massive pandemic disasters.  


Austria is already exceeding the current average temperature of 1.2°C by 2°C. And - of the 117,000 Austrian farms, 1000 farmers will have to give up their farms in 2022 alone! The often healthy smaller forests and fields that have been taken over will then be integrated into the industrialised "production of turnover" - with all of the crass and sick consequences.


Here, only necessary or clearly prescribed legal bases will achieve a possible change. With the "voluntary market development" desired by neoliberal politics, nothing can and will be achieved in climate matters! Therefore, only the clearly necessary and thus equally clearly prescribed legal bases can achieve real progress in terms of climate relevance. A serious 1.5° C target now urgently requires an "emergency operation" - because just as in the case of a ruptured appendix - if the patient is to survive - it must under no circumstances remain untreated!  

Only a rapid turnaround to poverty-appropriate care for all and a careful approach to nature, as well as an economy based on sustainability, will enable us - in order to maintain any kind of civilisation - to stay within the 1.5° limit! 

The roots of our critical situation lie "in an economy that does not respect ecological and ethnic borders". Borders are a problem for our economic system. We have a culture of limitless appropriation, as if there were no end and as if this had no consequences.


Today, too, there is the legitimate question: if all countries (including the USA) globally carry a more or less heavy debt burden - with whom are all these debts booked, or who has actually borrowed such enormous sums? And is it not precisely these lenders of capital who are primarily responsible for the globally disastrous social and ecological situations? For example, almost all Austrian villages have been economically gutted and desecrated in just three decades! Formerly regional SME owners have been downgraded to commuters and consumers who now have to travel to area-sealed retail chain centres on the outskirts of their villages to do their shopping. These "global uniforms" are already covering all towns and several villages like a "branded goods epidemic", across all former cultural diversity. But when the greengrocers die, so do the villages! However, the current global economy does not have to remain a hopeless constraint, does it?                     


Also, these already "global-uniforms" cover all towns and quite a few villages, across all former cultural diversity, like a "branded goods epidemic". But when the grocers die, the villages die too! Because the permafrost is already releasing its methane, the rapidly deteriorating climate cannot recover on its own. Let us therefore quickly seize effective opportunities - which grant a rapid turnaround by means of technical, but especially also spiritual alternatives (to questionable attitudes to life and their specific habits). Courageous decisions are needed to enable us and further generations to live at least longer. Hence the urgent demand to actively promote a healthy climate policy "now". After all, it's a matter of life and death! Let's be honest: isn't it about responsible, quickest possible care, towards natural soil fertility, with all the insects that are (super)vital for plant pollination? Don't we still want to get something on our plates from our gardens and fields the day after tomorrow? Two-thirds of the "silent spring" has already become reality!  

Only a rapid turnaround towards poverty-appropriate care for all and a careful treatment of nature, as well as an economy based on sustainability, will enable us to initiate the maintenance of any kind of civilisation and a just tolerable 1.5° limit!  The roots of our critical situation lie "in an economy that does not respect ecological and ethnic borders". Borders are a problem for our economic system. Unfortunately, we are dominated by a system, a culture, of limitless appropriation, as if there were no end and as if all this had no consequences.  

  Gentle technology meets global crises                               
It is not just "war is the father of all inventions", but rather those good ideas that are born of higher inspiration. Those that have arisen from overflowing joy have led to technically revolutionary innovations, especially in the last 200 years. What is needed here is the right selection to separate the helpful achievements from those that are harmful in the long term. Here are a few examples: 

o Nicolas Otto invented his engine in 1864 :-(   o In 1886, Carl Benz applied for a patent for his "vehicle with gas engine operation" :-(  
o on 8 November 1895 the physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the radiation named after him :-) o In 1926, a ship powered by a Flettner rotor crossed the Atlantic :-)
o In 1945, at the end of the Second World War, an atomic bomb was tested over Hiroshima and Nagasaki :-(
o Bicycles with chain drive and pneumatic wheels were already available in the 1880s :-)
o In the 1970s, photovoltaic utilisation took off :-)
o From 2000 onwards, sustainability became important in general and worldwide :-)
o In 2002 I developed TWS as a traffic and transport system. See my YouTub video: "TubeWaySolar - For a clean future :-)
o To this day, I am gradually coming up with technical alternatives, which I outline below in part 2.0. With these alone, 80% of resources and CO2 emissions could be saved :-)    




The "coincidence" of good ideas usually comes to us at night - in our sleep - like a gift to humanity that comes from above. Other fundamental possibilities have been instilled in us from deep below, such as the benefits of uranium, armaments or the burning of fossil fuels. They brought about unspeakable, mass suffering from war and - with the worldwide unchecked rise in CO2 - the inglorious, constant heating up of the climate.

              SUITABLE FOR GRANDCHILDREN         

Together, we inhabit the particularly beautiful but also very sensitive habitat of the earth. And together we are suffering the consequences of the destruction of nature that continues to this day; however, we are experiencing this with varying degrees of intensity from region to region. Almost all previous structures are therefore experiencing the most unusual, massive collapses of all time. However, the processes within all capital and economic structures are also increasingly experiencing the same turbulence as our global climate.  


The turnaround from our essential dead ends is urgently needed and yet still possible! The inventions presented under 2.0 are also an invitation to widespread application. The aim is to find easy-to-implement solutions to the problem areas of our industrial agriculture, construction and transport sectors. With these approaches, Co2 emissions, the consumption of steel, concrete and crude oil as well as many other resources can be reduced by up to 80 %! It is up to the manufacturers to check the technical details of the respective concept - and, "it is up to each of us, even if much does not depend on us".  

There are holistic analyses, scientific warnings and technical alternatives to counteract climate change. But there is no way to make it palatable that a drastic reduction in oil production - with less asphalt, agrochemicals, cement and plastic - will change some of the things we have grown to love in our excessive consumer mentality. The resolutions of Rome, COP26 in Glasgow and, most recently, those of 2021 in Paris have already had to make a number of adjustments to the future reduction in fossil fuels, which will take effect from 2030?  

Because in view of the last pandemic, the ongoing wars, the major natural disasters and all the great migration misery and general disorientation, it is also clear that we have very little in our hands - that we can control and understand. Nevertheless, a serious 1.5° C target now urgently requires an "emergency operation"; because, as with a ruptured appendix - if you want to keep the patient alive, he must not remain untreated! Hence the urgent call to actively promote a health-orientated climate policy "now". After all, it's a matter of life or death! The good life here would soon be over! By the way: a street planted with trees is up to 20° cooler than a street without trees!  


This process could clean up everything that is actually getting out of hand. It would then also open up insights and paths towards what we and the entire biosphere are lacking: such as biodiversity, the healthy use of arable land, water and air, and so on and so forth. The limits to growth have already become very real and clearly noticeable. This is why the corporations that are still powerful today, including OPEC, car manufacturers and the major energy suppliers, will have to give in and switch to a truly sustainable approach. The shirt will probably be closer to them than the skirt. It will be concern about the unleashed forces of nature that will make them rethink and plan for the future. The usual neoliberalism and our self-centred ideologies will ultimately remain tied to the precarious climate and the already overly depleted biosphere, just like "Hunz und Kunz"!  


I hope that these thoughts are not merely derived from my optimism of purpose. Otherwise the saying "war and corpses, the last hope of the rich" would be true. Instead, I believe that hope is more durable and that the forces that sustain creation will bring about the necessary breakthroughs.  

This hope should/could/should also affect the interest and logic of our financial moguls, economists and politicians! It is always worthwhile to stand up for this vehemently!  




















 ... and from this many things that still exist today in a wide variety of parallel developments. Human stubbornness, spiritual spirituality and the powers of rulers have been at war with each other in all phases and times. Even secularisation has not levelled out this tension. 

With over 8 billion inhabitants on earth, air, water and other essential resources are becoming increasingly scarce. The current economic model of constant competition is proving to be increasingly absurd - and it would drive us even further into blind overexploitation and the most devastating new wars. Only a reduction in the standard of living to before 1960 has any prospect of achieving the 1.5° C target.


The author of "Out of the climate bubble" Alexander Behr says: ... the socio-ecological transformation must be the transition to a post-growth society in which the well-being of all people, not the increase in material production, takes priority". And Jean Ziegler even said: "Either we destroy capitalism or it destroys us." But this question is no longer being discussed theoretically; instead, pragmatic ways are being sought to change and weaken capitalism so that successful strategies can be found and pursued within the existing system to prevent the destruction of the planet. System change - not climate change."  Source: Sonnenseite, 15.4.2023 

Unfortunately, it currently seems almost unrealistic to place great hopes in not exceeding the 1.5° C upper climate limit. This is because the crises caused by economic egoism, which are currently occurring at the same time, are taking the often >only intended goals of politics< overboard at the "point of no return".

Naomi Klein aptly expresses the practical and spiritual global dilemma in her book "Why only a GreenNewDeal can save our planet".  Here is an extract:"Behind the stage where some governments deny climate change and others claim to be doing something about it while fortifying their borders to protect themselves from climate impacts, there is a question we must face. What kind of people do we want to be in the harsh future that has already begun? Do we want to share what is left and take care of each other? Or do we instead want to hoard what's left, look after "ourselves" and shut everyone else out?In a time of rising sea levels and increasing fascism, these are stark choices. There are other options besides extreme climate barbarism, but considering how far we've already come, it makes no sense to claim that these alternatives are easy to realise. Much more is needed than a CO2 tax or a new version of emissions trading. We must wage a war against CO2 pollution and poverty, against racism and colonialism and against despair.If we reject a future characterised by the brutal exclusion of the poor and the innocent, then we must find the strength to take on the powerful who are responsible for the climate crisis. The idea of taking on the fossil fuel sector can be intimidating:  Corporations have unlimited resources at their disposal to lobby politicians to pass draconian laws against activists. ... And yet this sector is very much open to attack through various forms of action.Over the past five years, a central strategy of the climate justice movement has been to show that these companies are acting amorally and have acquired their profits illegitimately because their business model is, at its core, to destabilise human civilisation. Thanks to this strategy, hundreds of institutions have decided to divest shares of these companies in their portfolios. Recently, the Sunraise movement has focused on demanding assurances from elected politicians that they will not accept donations from fossil fuel companies, which over half of Democratic candidates immediately agreed to do. If the parties in power would refrain from donations from climate disrupters and talking to fossil fuel lobbyists, the industry's political influence could shrink dramatically. And if, in the face of public pressure and regulation, the media stopped running adverts from fossil fuel companies, as it did with tobacco advertising, then the industry's disproportionate influence would diminish further. Once the debate is no longer distorted by misinformation and a clear line is drawn between the oil industry and the state, the path to effective regulations that would quickly tackle this rogue sector would be clear."

The good news is that it is not to be expected that the few super-rich will change their blatantly anti-social views and that the CO2 climate fire, which they in particular are keeping on the boil, can be contained as soon as possible. However, it only takes a rather small critical mass of people to ultimately trigger their rejection of what is currently socially "unhealthy". So perhaps the "Sustainable Development Goals "* still have a chance of being implemented in reality after all! Because as soon as more than 3.5 % of the population support their goals, the lobbyists of the opponents can no longer stop or ignore the call for sustainability. They will simply be outvoted!


In fact, corporations and even governments are increasingly being successfully sued by environmental lawyers for compliance with climate targets. This means that the peacefully acting "climate protection communities" now have the necessary potential to initiate the major, upcoming changes. The very richest are also suffering from their own double lies in the long term. Denying climate change and at the same time knowing that it is in fact real probably also secretly stresses them out.

According to the long-term assessment of our far-sighted system and climate experts, the only climate-neutral energy options are geothermal and solar thermal energy, wind and hydropower, solar films, saltwater and air-iron batteries and biogas. Nuclear, fossil, cobalt/lithium and hydrogen utilisation*, however generated, would have to be dispensed with - despite the high energy density of these materials. Why? Continued economic-strategic recklessness would suddenly cause us climatic, social and biospheric "hells on earth". This kind of "fuelling" - in conjunction with chemical-based turbo farming, the simultaneous effects of global cereal trade and a lack of drinking water - would put us under pressure from the rapidly increasing climate warming even faster. After all, there are already technically mature, clean alternatives to the climate-warming fossil fuel pollution of the past ... Of course, we should store the CO2 in depleted natural gas fields  (as Carbon Capture &Storage)  during the transition, but at the same time, we should be heading towards a complete fossil fuel phase-out with all our might. The rebound effects also represent a large part of the problem.


  *Hydrogen is not a primary energy source that can simply be mined and used anywhere. Hydrogen must first be produced and this requires raw materials such as crude oil and natural gas or biomass and water. Energy must therefore first be supplied from outside.                   




In view of the powerful dictates of the authoritative economic hierarchies*, it seems almost dubious to me to write hopefully about an expected, humanly possible CO2 stop. But hope never dies; even if the massive human mass misery beforehand arises from the shameful, crass over-indulgence of interest money flows by a few beneficiaries. And that is simply because ...  "No one can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." But Maths 6 does not say that God also sees the heart and that no one should set himself up as a judge.

That the climate catastrophe and many an avoidable war catastrophe will one day be the responsibility of the real culprits can be read by every careless passer-by in the effectively illustrative Lazarus story in John 11:41-44.  Of course, this does not affect any of the philanthropic rich.


  * ... downwards from meta-capital, to arms and heavy industry, to oil multinationals, car manufacturers and e-industries, cereal companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. - This hierarchy extends all the way down to the families burdened with worries and labouring to stammer away their microcredit in their mostly precarious living conditions.




"If you are already suffering from the heat - it will unfortunately become even worse and more dangerous in the future. Anyone who has ever travelled in hot and humid regions knows the problem: this heat is even more unbearable and oppressive. The reason for this is that our bodies are far less able to regulate their temperature in such conditions and overheat more easily. The result: the participants in a study were no longer able to regulate their temperature at a humid temperature of 31°C and above. This also applied to young and healthy people. For example, a humid temperature of 31°C is reached at 38°C and a humidity of 60% - conditions that can already occur here in summer."                         

Alarmingly, it is becoming increasingly cold among us humans because of all the modern problems. News that recently stirred us up deeply soon seems far enough away from us - easy to repress so that we can carry on living halfway carefree. So even the blackest smoke of all chimney stacks, which disappears into thin air for our eyes with so much sky, seems harmless. And yet the suffering and abject poverty of their (as yet) overseas manufacturing slaves is attached to almost every one of our consumer products. But it is our habituation to this bilious flavour that darkens the joy of life in our hearts. It isolates us bit by bit from each other and takes us out of each other through our inability to relate. "It is therefore important to confront the emotional and atmospheric poisoning with all rigour and to transform it with viable alternatives".

Because there are still many possible options - which I invite you to explore in the next chapter ...


Book tip: Naomi Klein - "Why only a GreenNewDeal can save our planet"

The "GreenNewDeal" already has what it takes to rally an "intersectional mass movement" behind it.



  * At the Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is the first time that there is a universal catalogue that includes all dimensions of sustainability. The aim of the agenda is to make global developments sustainable by 2030.            

   "Sustainability consists of the following three dimensions: The social, the economic and the ecological. According to the common definition, something is only considered sustainable if these three areas are given equal weighting and form a long-term, viable solution with a view to the future.    

 - End poverty and hunger and combat inequalities  
- Strengthen people's self-determination, ensure gender equality and a good and healthy life for all
- Promoting prosperity for all and shaping sustainable lifestyles worldwide
- Respect the earth's ecological limits: Combat climate change
combat climate change, preserve and sustainably utilise natural resources
- Protect human rights - ensure peace, good governance and access to justice
- Building a global partnership 

"God always forgives, we sometimes forgive, but when nature - creation - is mistreated, it never forgives." ~ Pope Francis